My name is Andrew Davies – just how many Andrews are there in the bass section?
My section is… I’m bi-choral ‘cos I sing with the Pinkies and The London Gay Men’s Chorus. With LGMC I’m a Baritone. With Pinkies I’ve recently become bi-sectional too – so Tenor and Bass. So in short … all of them. Maybe I’ll try out for Sopranos next year?
I joined the Pink Singers in Winter 2004.
I joined the Pink Singers because I love to sing and (don’t tell anyone) I’m gay, and having moved down from Manchester I was looking for some sort of musical group – having done Gilbert And Sullivan with Manchester Uni’s MUGSS and Edinburgh Uni’s Savoy. I applied to join both the London Gay Men’s Chorus and Pinkies – but LGMC didn’t have any space for six months! Pinkies needed some extra men and so I felt only too happy to flex my oral skills as a fully fledged Pinkie!
My favourite thing about being a Pinkie is being dominated to perfection by Mladens very capable hands (ahem). Oh and singing! I love the mix of challenging classical music and disco party pop hits.
When I’m not rehearsing you can find me singing with the enemy (LGMC!), slobbing out in front of the tv, playing computer games, reading sci-fi, cooking, watching foreign language films and eating pies. Oh and Hot Air Ballooning! I have on occasion also been known to drink vast quanties of mind numbing alcohol and dance my bits off in the Two Screwers in Claaaaaam (thats Clapham t’likes of you and me).
The song that I would most like us to perform is Sweet Transvestite from The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
The song in our repertoire which should be laid to rest is… Laid to rest? I love them all! Even the cringe-fest that is Robbie Williams Angels. Bring back Hand in Hand that’s what I say! Whilst we’re on the subject we should also bring back Big Spender, Mister Sandman, The Beach Boys Medley, …