13 Pinkies – including newbies like myself – turned out for a ‘command performance’ at Islington Town Hall’s opening event for LGBT History Month, 1 Feb 2008.
It was a great privilege to ‘play Islington’ as the borough has always been at the centre of London’s LGBT history – from the first gay rights demonstration by Stonewall and the first ‘out’ Mayor (Robert Crossman) to groundbreaking community organisations like the London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard and London Friend. Islington also boasts the largest number of same sex cohabiting couples in London. Ahhhh!

After a careful warm-up with our maestro Michael – we entered the rather grand, oak-panelled and red-carpeted venue to the rousing applause of some 60 plus assembled guests.
A hush descended as Michael struck up the opening chords of Come What May on the electric keyboard. The well-polished harmonies really kicked in at the end of the song and we were rewarded with tumultuous applause from an enthusiastic crowd – including Out Lesbian Deputy Council Leader, Lucy Watt. An impassioned rendition of “Hymne a l’Amour” followed, with the choir coping admirably with some tongue-twisting French lyrics.

Then is was ‘Heads down on four!’ for the Abba Medley – accompanied by the paired pelvic thrusting provided by Susan and Mark. The song was a suitably camp finish to a memorable evening. Thanks must go to Michael for accompanying us so beautifully, Phillip for his amusing announcements and Lynne for organising the booking and the last rehearsal for this season.
by Charlie