Hi! I’m Mills, the Newbies Secretary – We look after welcoming new people to the Pink Singers.
We take in new members twice a year. This page includes some of the most frequently asked questions about joining us.
If you’re interested in joining or have any questions, email joining@pinksingers.co.uk and we’ll get back to you!
Who is in the Pink Singers? What are you all about?

We’re a friendly and eclectic bunch. Our ages range from 18-75+, and we proudly welcome people of all backgrounds, identities, gender expression and walks of life. We’re united by our love for singing and performing. We aim to promote a positive attitude towards LGBT+ people everywhere through music. We normally organise two big concerts a year in London and take part in many other concerts and community events throughout the year in London and beyond.
Representation matters to us. We exist as a choir for the whole LGBTQ+ community so we really welcome new members from groups that are less well represented within the choir right now, including Trans and Non-Binary people, Black people and People of Colour, people with disabilities, and young people.
What kind of music do you perform?
We perform a wide range of music from classical to pop, madrigals to gospel, show tunes to folk. Choir members suggest and help choose the repertoire we perform, so there’s something for everyone to enjoy.
When and where do you rehearse?

We rehearse together every Sunday from 2-6pm in central London. We work hard to make these rehearsals as accessible as possible. During the pandemic, we have also been rehearsing online as well as in-person. We ideally like you to attend all rehearsals, but 70% is the minimum we’re looking for to achieve a high performance standard and to maintain our thriving community. From time to time we add additional, optional rehearsals for individual sections too.
Do I have to audition?
Yes. The audition has a few parts to it. You will be asked to sing some basic scales to work out which section the music team thinks would best suit your voice. You will then do an ear test and a memory test. We want our auditions to be fair to everyone, so you won’t have to prepare anything: just try to relax and be yourself. You don’t need to be able to read music to join the choir.
Can I try the choir before I audition?
Yes! We aim to run an open rehearsal or two each season, so you can try us out before you decide if you’d like to audition. No need to bring anything other than yourself, and your voice.
Is there a minimum age for membership?
We welcome any members who are 18 or over at the time of their audition. By law, any organization dealing with people under 18 years of age has to have safeguarding in place. This means having policies and procedures written, and enforced. It also means training for some members of the choir, and providing the right environment for the young people. At the moment, we are unable to fulfil the conditions required for safeguarding. Therefore, we will not be able to accept people under 18 years of age.
Do I have to pay anything?
We’re a charitable organisation funded and run by members. There is a recommended minimum donation to pay of around £30 per month (in 2021), which covers the cost of music and room hire and our paid musical staff. We also offer a subsidised rate of around £10 per month for people who have difficulty meeting these costs.
In addition to these costs, all members are expected to contribute their skills to help keep the choir running. This could involve things like taking minutes at meetings, looking after our social media, taking pictures of rehearsals and events, or setting up and breaking down for a concert.
Do I need to practice?
Yes. We memorise all our songs so we can perform without music. Don’t worry if that sounds hard – everyone is in the same boat, but you will need to practice. It looks and sounds amazing when it all comes together. We also perform some choreography (normally 3-4 songs a season). Again, don’t worry – we spend plenty of time going over this in rehearsals and creating online materials so you can master the moves and the music at home too. If you’re worried about being able to complete the choreography, don’t worry – we tailor it as necessary so everyone can take part.
Can I take a break from the Pink Singers after I’ve joined?
We ask members to commit to a season (normally 6 months) at a time – that helps us make sure we can plan and commit to events such as concerts. Once you’ve been in the choir for a year it’s possible to take a season or two out, or more for big life events (like becoming a parent).
What do you do apart from singing?
We care about adding our voices to causes that promote a positive attitude towards all LGBT+ people. We often run seminars, events and concerts in combination with other LGBT+ groups in the UK and in other countries, we are proud attendees and supporters of events including trans+ pride, UK Black Pride and Bi Pride UK, and we often support London-based LGBT+ charities by lending our voices to their causes.
Is there a social element to the choir?
Oh yes, we’re a very sociable group. On Sundays some choir members often meet for lunch before rehearsal or stick around afterwards for a drink in a nearby pub. There are plenty of other events throughout the year too – all member led, for example virtual pilates, outings to museums, walks and hikes, shows, parties, weekends away, brunches and trips to performances in the UK and further afield.
Here are a few pictures from a recent party to welcome new members:

Photos: Hsien Chew
So what are you waiting for? If you think you are interested in joining the choir or have any other questions about becoming a Pink Singer that are not answered above, please feel free to drop me a line, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to browse the rest of the site and read the Pinkies’ views on our blog to get even more of an insight into what we do and see how much fun we have.
Thanks and best wishes,