It gets better: our stories

Unless you’ve spent your waking hours under a rock the last few weeks, you will have noticed several videos on YouTube bearing the tag “It Gets Better”. The It Gets Better project is the brainchild of Dan Savage, who noticed that in the last month several bullied gay teenagers have taken their own lives. These children are often isolated and have no-one to turn to: their teachers may be uninterested, their parents may be unhearing and their friends may be uncaring. That’s why he started this project: to encourage ordinary people to let these young men and women know that no matter how dark it may seem, things will work out right, and happiness is just round the corner. It gets better.
Yesterday some of the Pink Singers got together to record a little video as our choir’s contribution to this project, and you can see it here.
We are the Pink Singers, and we’re here to say, “It gets better!”

Welcome to our new website


Hello to all the Pinkies and friends, and welcome to the latest incarnation of our website. We have been aiming to update the website for quite some time, and we have brought our website up to date and into the 2010’s.
There have been some major changes since the old website, and there has been a large focus this time around on integrating our site with other social applications such as twitter, facebook and myspace (web 2.0, for the techies out there).
Among some of the changes to the site are:
Continue reading “Welcome to our new website”

The Pink Singers yearbook 2009-2010

The Pinkies are on our summer break at the moment, so now’s the perfect time to sit back and take brief rest. It is also a chance to look back on the year and review what the Pink Singers got up to in winter season 2009 and summer season 2010. It starts at the end of October with the anti-hate-crime vigil in Trafalgar Square and ends in the same place in July with the Pride London rally. En route? Hats, choral competitions, Eurovision, a volcano and lots and lots of singing.
Putting together the yearbook was the joint effort of all the photographers who have helped to capture the Pinkie magic through the seasons, so a really big ‘thank you’ goes to Al, Ben, Hsien, Oskar and Peter. With so many images it was hard to pick the two or three which perfectly encapsulated any one event. Stephen Sondheim’s Send In The Clowns as performed by the Pink Singers helped, of course, as did Michael Derrick’s masterful piano playing. So kick off your shoes, relax, and relive the last year with us.

Tampa, Pride marches, hand in hand


In case you missed it, here’s an 8 minute extract from Philip Rescorla’s hour-long stint as a guest on Rosie Wilby‘s show on Resonance FM the Monday before Pride London 2010.
Pinkie tenor and resident Pink Singers historian, Philip was invited to talk about what it was like to be in the Gay Liberation Front. He discusses the role music plays in the Pride movement, the motivations for the Pink Singers’ trip to Tampa, Florida in 1996, and the meaning behind the song Hand In Hand (excerpt included from the 3:52 mark). Just hit play! Continue reading “Tampa, Pride marches, hand in hand”