Singing and running actually share a huge amount in common: with both you have to use your diaphragm, control your breathing and, if you’ve seen our choreography, have a certain degree of endurance. Pinkies have the additional advantage of being able to look like we are having fun even when feel like we’re dying inside!
At this year’s Pride Run the Pink Singers fielded a mixed team of runners – mixed because this year included Sue and Esther where last year’s run only had guys, and mixed also because everyone had different abilities. There were those who run regularly, either in the gym on pounding the pavement, and for whom running 10km is only slightly more exhausting than a stroll in the (Victoria) Park.
There were also those for whom the route was a personal challenge which they had set themselves. Add to that the fact that we were running for LGBT Pride while simultaneously raising funds for the Albert Kennedy Trust, and the run took on great significance for all of us.
We were blessed, some may say over-blessed, by brilliant sunshine, even though the weather report had predicted thunderstorms, and when the rather shocking start pistol had been fired by the enormous Gareth Thomas, we were off, loping around the track.

Organized by the London Frontrunners, the Pride Run really is a fantastic experience because, although there are many “hard-core” runners there, there is more than enough room for those who wish to wander round at a more comfortable pace. Our team, resplendent in our bright pink Pink Singers running shirts, were easily spotted and every time we ran past the race HQ the sight of the Pink Singers logo garnered a shout out. That served to lift our flagging spirits, particularly as we were heading into our exhausting final lap.

We have to thank our supporters for egging us on, and after we’d finished runner and supporter alike moved on to the pub for a well-deserved lunch. It was only after we had finished that that the rain started falling – what a great way to spend a Saturday morning!
Edit: Late-breaking news suggests that the Pink Singers were also awarded the Sports & Social Team Prize for the Pride Run 2011. Yikes! I guess this means that next year we will be the defending champions…
Timeline datestamp: 20 August 2011