I’ve just finished my first season with the Pink Singers and wow what an action packed and fun season it was.
Joining a choir was something that I had been thinking about doing for a long time but had never actually done anything about. I’d been a bit musical in my youth – playing in a brass band, singing in a choir and camping in up in the school musical! So on one of those quiet ‘surfing’ days (you know the ones!) I came across the Pink Singers website and thought why not? I dropped them a line and waited to see what would happen.
The new members’ contact soon got back to me and I found myself nervously going along to a rehearsal on a Sunday afternoon in Baker Street. I say nervously but in reality I had nothing to be nervous about. You don’t have to audition to become a member – just a quick voice check to make sure you’re singing in the right section for your voice. On my first rehearsal I joined the basses and was warmly welcomed by them all. After the rehearsal I had a quick voice check with Michael – again absolutely nothing to worry about- and I was soon no longer a bass but a tenor! Continue reading “New Pinkie’s view – Tim”