A couple of weeks back, the Pink Singers celebrated their 31st birthday with an evening of fashion faux pas and song. In this post, newbie tenor Albert shares the experience of his first party as a pinkie…
Yes, I am 30. So what? What a coincidence the Pink Singers was born as a choir just about 3 months before I was. And 3 decades later, our paths crossed. I had a rough idea about how the pinkies like to celebrate special occasions. I had seen pictures of people in costumes. But nothing could prepare me for the real thing.
Last Friday the Pink Singers had their 31st anniversary. In fact I should say OUR 31st anniversary, since I am one of them now. “Excuse me? The filmmaker, the camera guy is now singing?”. Yes, and it was kind of my newbie party as well. My verdict? You’re nuts. And I absolutely love that. Hilarious performances, drinks, snacks, awesome costumes, funny jokes (half of which I couldn’t understand, but still funny)…
Continue reading “Turning 31 in style!”
Tag: parties
Trick or retreat!

On the Friday evening before Halloween a group of 60 or so musical, young (and young of a certain vintage) people set off from the familiar concrete of central London to face the full fear of a weekend in a mansion house converted into holiday apartments deep in the Sussex countryside. That’s right, the Pink Singers went on a weekend away and took over Brantridge Park, a former royal residence for two and a bit days of carousing and actual singing. Wikipedia tells me that Brantridge was one of the lesser royal residences and was the seat of the 1st Earl of Athlone and his wife, Princess Alice of Albany. The weekend was such a success that I think perhaps the house was filled with echoes of its former glory – and we even brought our own Princess Alice.
Continue reading “Trick or retreat!”
Pink Singers after-show party
You travelled around the world with the Pinkies now kick back and party with the stars at our world-famously fun after show party. On 14 July 2012 from 10.30 until 2am! Entry is by £10 donation. Ticket includes entry, DJ, disco and buffet and views over the river Thames! Contact a choir member for more details or email Gary or our Social Secretary via joining@pinksingers.co.uk for details on how to pay.
Spaces are limited – once they are gone they are gone so what are you waiting for? Carry on the global adventure and come fly with us into the early hours on the dancefloor!
Mikey leaves his mark

On Saturday 14 April I attended the Pink Singers 29th anniversary party.
The evening had a Hollywood theme and we were asked to dress accordingly, either for a smart Oscars party, or in fancy dress. As usual, my instinct told me to reach for the costume box! I spent time considering my options for dress but soon had the ambitious idea to go as an Avatar. I spent hours in preparation for the evening. I was wearing painted leggings and body paint, and was apprehensive about going out in so few clothes, but on arrival at the party I was given such a warm and friendly reception by everyone that my nerves dissipated. Many people who hugged and greeted me were left with a blue mark, which as the evening progressed was to be seen everywhere! Continue reading “Mikey leaves his mark”
A magical evening at Kettner’s

“It was the most magical evening, made all the more extraordinary by the fabulous Pink Singers” said actor Martin Parr after his birthday bash at Kettner’s restaurant in the heart of Soho.
“Everyone performed with such heart and gusto and professionalism,” he added. “I was utterly taken aback by the standard, the humour and joy of it all.” Martin said he received many messages saying what a huge hit the Pink Singers were.
And it was a memorable night out for Pink Singers tenor Simon Harrison. “After two fine years of choir action I was taking part in my first small group performance – and picked the right time to lose my cherry. After the long summer break it was sheer vocal heaven to be back in the bosom of the choir and doing what we do best – sing!
Continue reading “A magical evening at Kettner’s”