Pink Singers – 25 years of Gay & Lesbian Pride!


As well as celebrating our 25th anniversary this year, the Pink Singers also sang at Pride for the 25th time, an event that we are proud to say that we have not missed once in the last 25 years since 1983 when we were first formed. A lot has changed since those early years, and it seems that our achievements run in parallel with the victories that the gay & lesbian community have won. Continue reading “Pink Singers – 25 years of Gay & Lesbian Pride!”

World aids day 2007



Raising funds for Positive Rainbow
I’ve only very recently become a Pinkie, and was keen to get a performance under my belt before we all dash off on the Eurostar to Paris. So I eagerly signed up to the World Aids Day evening concert last week on Wednesday 28th November. Being a true South East Londoner I rarely go further North than Kings Cross, and so I was very pleased to arrive at Tottenham Hale Tube to find the lovely Lynne who could guide us all on our way to the venue. When we arrived I was pleased to see lots of other new pinkies, who like me were looking slightly pale and nervous.
Continue reading “World aids day 2007”

LGBT History Month 2007: Out In Time

On the evening of the 12th of February 2007, the small group was priveleged to perform at the launch of Out In Time , a gay and lesbian history of the East End, at the Docklands Musuem in Canary Wharf.

The place itself was a converted warehouse with lofty ceilings, so there was some concern about how the acoustics would work, especially since the audience seemed to be doing the networking thing. There was some initial anxiety too about getting us all there in time, but the last few of our group showed up in the nick of time and we trooped on stage.

After a brief introduction, the dozen or so of us launched into our usual mix of jazz and pop numbers. We opened with Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy which is always a winner, and performed a version of Ain’t Misbehavin’ which those of us there will remember for a long time. Then there was the crowd-pleasing Madness medley. Many people stopped to sing along which is always a confidence boost! We performed a half hour set to appreciative applause.

After that there was time to have a glass of wine and wander around the exhibition. The East End certainly is rich in gay cultural history, and we were pleased to be a part of this celebration of London’s gay roots. Mark chastely Hollywood-kissed me, which was one the the highlights of the evening!


(with nearly 100% paraphrasing by Hsien!)