The Pinkies are on our summer break at the moment, so now’s the perfect time to sit back and take brief rest. It is also a chance to look back on the year and review what the Pink Singers got up to in winter season 2009 and summer season 2010. It starts at the end of October with the anti-hate-crime vigil in Trafalgar Square and ends in the same place in July with the Pride London rally. En route? Hats, choral competitions, Eurovision, a volcano and lots and lots of singing.
Putting together the yearbook was the joint effort of all the photographers who have helped to capture the Pinkie magic through the seasons, so a really big ‘thank you’ goes to Al, Ben, Hsien, Oskar and Peter. With so many images it was hard to pick the two or three which perfectly encapsulated any one event. Stephen Sondheim’s Send In The Clowns as performed by the Pink Singers helped, of course, as did Michael Derrick’s masterful piano playing. So kick off your shoes, relax, and relive the last year with us.
Tag: social events
A Weekend In The Country

Friday evening saw eleven Pinkies heading towards Streatley Youth Hostel, a spacious old house near the Thames on the Berkshire – Oxfordshire border. The little country towns of Streatley and Goring face each other across the river, nestled in a valley set among the gentle Chiltern hills. This year we were catered for by friendly hostel staff, and Friday’s veggie dinner option was so good that Mel had it again for breakfast. Maya kept us entertained at dinner with “strange but true” animal stories and Liang and Hsien finally arrived later in the evening, thanks to the assistance of the AA.
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The Big Pink Hunt

This season’s utterly splendid alto section social was organised by the ever-lovely Kay, and at lunch time on Saturday 13th May eight intrepid teams delved headlong into her Big Pink Hunt. Our starting point was the steps of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Church (right next to Trafalgar Square). Kay and Annie were on hand to collect entry fees, dish out sugary/enumberry goody bags that were to sustain us on our quest, and distribute the maps and “not cryptic” (!) clues that would guide us through the West End to our final destination. We were then sent on our way at timed intervals with true military precision, with some teams actually heading off in the right direction! As always Liang and Hsien were at the ready to take photos a-plenty.
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A Night At The Races

Prior to this Pinkies event, I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect. The only previous race night I’d attended was a pig racing night in a country pub. The pigs were clockwork. Each was wound up and placed at the starting line of a long table. Still that was some years ago, in rural Dorset – well they have to make their own entertainment in those parts.
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Pinkies Theatre Evening

On the cold, dark evening of March the 21st a number of Pinkies descended upon Richmond to watch a play for the bass sectional social event. The play was at the Richmond Theatre facing Richmond Green. The red velvet seats and covered walls were a comforting reminder of the pleasure of theatre going and ice-cream intermissions.
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