With just five days to go until the next Pinkie concert, soprano Charly takes us on her journey of choral and choreography cramming and the preparation every Pinkie goes through before the big day…
“Digga digga dig ah da da…..” … as I’m sitting on the train on my way home.
“Bow, bow, bow” … as I walk past a crowd at a bus stop.
“entertaaaaain us!” … whilst I’m scanning my organic baby leaf spinach at the checkout till.
Leading up to a pinkie concert, funny looks on public transport or walking down the aisle in the supermarket are not the only things a pinkie will experience whilst prepping for this weekend’s Key Changes concert. There is the late night lyric cramming and choreography practice, last minute trips to the shops to get that perfect outfit, hair cuts, leg waxing (and that’s just the boys), flapjack making, spray tans, shoe polishing, nose hair plucking and a sudden panic and desperate hunt for the iconic pinkie rose.

This is now my seventh season in the pinkies and each concert seems to get more and more exciting. Even writing this now with a few days to go I’m getting butterflies about the big day; I’m literally counting down the hours. Despite this, I am certainly no seasoned pro and I still get ridiculously nervous and excited. Performing on stage, as a Pink Singer, is really quite something; it’s such a fantastic feeling. Getting to that point when all the hard work, sweat and tears of the last five months suddenly all comes together; the notes are hit, the pitch is right, we snap those moves all at the same time. I feel so proud of being a pinkie and so proud of my fellow choral chums who have become my surrogate family these last three years. I also absolutely love performing. I remember when I left secondary school I was destined to be the new Emma Thompson with my A-Level Theatre Studies in my hand (well, that’s what it said in my sixth form leavers’ yearbook) but since school I did no acting and actually very little singing. So, getting to perform with the Pink Singers means my dreams are finally coming true and it involves three of my favourite things – singing, dancing and acting.
This season, I have really enjoyed hearing the stories behind some of the music we are singing. The theme of this summer concert is Key Changes – Songs That Shaped The World and there have been some excellent songs chosen by members of the choir, which highlight some of the interesting events throughout our history. During rehearsals, some pinkies have been giving us a low down on the research they have been carrying out about the songs. I’ve been left with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye or for others a feeling of overwhelming pride hearing about the struggles people have had to face in past generations and how they fought for their rights. Music carries a lot of history and I’ve certainly learnt a lot this season through our rep choice.
The song I am mostly looking forward to performing is Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s ‘Relax’; the arrangement by our very talented Chris Chambers is absolutely brilliant and the choreography is awesome…if I do say so myself. We have already performed it in Mallorca and Brighton this year and it’s gone down a storm. It’s going to be aca-mazing with the whole choir performing it.
Right, I’d better get back to practising. Hopefully I’ve managed to whet you appetite so hopefully see you there, I’ll be the one hamming it up. Now where is that pink rose…