Pinkie prep – five days to go!

Charly, Soprano Leader
Charly, Soprano Leader

With just five days to go until the next Pinkie concert, soprano Charly takes us on her journey of choral and choreography cramming and the preparation every Pinkie goes through before the big day…
“Digga digga dig ah da da…..” … as I’m sitting on the train on my way home.
“Bow, bow, bow” … as I walk past a crowd at a bus stop.
“entertaaaaain us!” … whilst I’m scanning my organic baby leaf spinach at the checkout till.
Leading up to a pinkie concert, funny looks on public transport or walking down the aisle in the supermarket are not the only things a pinkie will experience whilst prepping for this weekend’s Key Changes concert. There is the late night lyric cramming and choreography practice, last minute trips to the shops to get that perfect outfit, hair cuts, leg waxing (and that’s just the boys), flapjack making, spray tans, shoe polishing, nose hair plucking and a sudden panic and desperate hunt for the iconic pinkie rose.

Can you guess which number we're rehearsing here?
Can you guess which number we’re rehearsing here?

This is now my seventh season in the pinkies and each concert seems to get more and more exciting. Even writing this now with a few days to go I’m getting butterflies about the big day; I’m literally counting down the hours. Despite this, I am certainly no seasoned pro and I still get ridiculously nervous and excited. Performing on stage, as a Pink Singer, is really quite something; it’s such a fantastic feeling. Getting to that point when all the hard work, sweat and tears of the last five months suddenly all comes together; the notes are hit, the pitch is right, we snap those moves all at the same time. I feel so proud of being a pinkie and so proud of my fellow choral chums who have become my surrogate family these last three years. I also absolutely love performing. I remember when I left secondary school I was destined to be the new Emma Thompson with my A-Level Theatre Studies in my hand (well, that’s what it said in my sixth form leavers’ yearbook) but since school I did no acting and actually very little singing. So, getting to perform with the Pink Singers means my dreams are finally coming true and it involves three of my favourite things – singing, dancing and acting.
This season, I have really enjoyed hearing the stories behind some of the music we are singing. The theme of this summer concert is Key Changes – Songs That Shaped The World and there have been some excellent songs chosen by members of the choir, which highlight some of the interesting events throughout our history. During rehearsals, some pinkies have been giving us a low down on the research they have been carrying out about the songs. I’ve been left with a lump in my throat and a tear in my eye or for others a feeling of overwhelming pride hearing about the struggles people have had to face in past generations and how they fought for their rights. Music carries a lot of history and I’ve certainly learnt a lot this season through our rep choice.
Mallorca, RelaxThe song I am mostly looking forward to performing is Frankie Goes to Hollywood’s ‘Relax’; the arrangement by our very talented Chris Chambers is absolutely brilliant and the choreography is awesome…if I do say so myself. We have already performed it in Mallorca and Brighton this year and it’s gone down a storm. It’s going to be aca-mazing with the whole choir performing it.
Right, I’d better get back to practising. Hopefully I’ve managed to whet you appetite so hopefully see you there, I’ll be the one hamming it up. Now where is that pink rose…

Notes from a Small Island


Newbie soprano Louise reflects on her first concert as a Pink Singer at Notes from a Small Island last Saturday at Hackney Empire.

I have performed in smaller, more informal concerts before, and as a teacher every day is a performance for me, but nothing compares to standing under those bright and burning lights in front of over 600 people at the beautiful Hackney Empire. This was something very special.

 Louise with Charly in rehearsal

I had felt anxious in the weeks running up to the concert, spending every spare moment listening to tracks, learning words and attempting to multi-task with the addition of choreography. But after a gruelling (and sweltering) technical rehearsal, 7pm somehow crept up on me and I can honestly say I was excited as the performance started. My concert cherry was about to pop as they say.

But would I go to death and go to slaughter? Would I panic part way through? It helped not being able to see anyone in the audience. In fact it required a leap of faith to even believe there was anyone out there until the first burst of rapturous applause after Under Pressure. Pressure off. I subsequently enjoyed every second of the entire concert, including our most challenging piece Peter Grimes. (I should add here that there was a 14 year old in the audience who loved it too but wondered why on earth we were singing so aggressively about peas and rice. Hmmm.)

 Pink rose (Photograph by Suzanne Mitchell Photography)

The various emails and text messages I have received since the concert from friends and family put words to feelings much more succinctly than I can at the moment. I truly cannot find the words that adequately encapsulate what it meant to me. They tell me the Pink Singers are a choir to be proud of. They describe the performance as SENSATIONAL. They say we demonstrate diversity, humour and passion. They say that they feel that whenever we sing it feels like EVERY person they fix on is totally committed to singing, and to them individually. All true.

 Pinkies during our tech rehearsal at Hackney Empire (Photograph by Suzanne Mitchell)

I feel both empowered and humbled by my first Pinkie concert. What an amazing thing to be part of! I am, alas, experiencing the PPBs – the Post Pinkie Blues. What am I going to do on my Sundays now? Everything now seems an insubstantial pageant in comparison. Although I have filled my summer with plans already, I will be counting down the weeks until the next season starts. And you really should come to our next concert. You may even be kissed on the nose by a gay…

With thanks to Suzanne Mitchell Photography


Timeline datestamp: 19 July 2014

Notes from a Small Island – Our guests


Come along to Notes from a Small Island, our concert celebrating the best of British songwriters and composers this Saturday at Hackney Empire, and you’ll get to see not just the Pink Singers, oh no – you’ll be entertained by three choirs from across the UK.
First up is Citi Choir, a brand new chorus of about 30-40 singers who all work, rehearse and sometimes perform at Citi Bank in London’s Canary Wharf.
citiThey’ve been singing for just over a year after appearing on a very big television show fronted by a very famous name in choral circles, but that we aren’t allowed officially to name for reasons of mystery and suspense.
The group contributes to Citi by performing at client and employee events and has started to support charitable causes, recently performing in New York City for an event for the American Cancer Society.
Panorama3Secondly are the wonderful South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus. Formed in 2008, they now have about thirty regular chorus members and a jam-packed schedule of performances booked throughout the year.
They are very proud to be part of a strong Welsh heritage and proud to be playing an active role in the local community. At the heart of the choir is a passion for music, for expression, for fun and for connecting with friends in South Wales and across the globe.
These fine chaps have built a fierce reputation over the years and we’ve sung with them many times before, most recently back in October 2013 in Cardiff. It’ll be a real treat to perform alongside them once again and we know our audience will love it.
Still time to get your tickets for Notes from a Small Island – buy tickets from the Hackney Empire website or by calling 020 8985 2424.

Notes from a Small Island – The Final Countdown


After months and months of planning, it’s almost showtime as the Pinkies are on the final countdown to our much-anticipated return to the Hackney Empire this Saturday 19 July. So what exactly does go on behind the scenes? Pinkies Chair Mark gives a brief glimpse into how we get ready for a concert of this scale.
We’ve been rehearsing for Notes from a Small Island since February – with four hours of rehearsals every week. It’s only really in the last few weeks though when things really start coming together. Sunday rehearsals invariably become more anxious as we move ‘off copy’ and begin singing from memory. We’re standing in the right concert positions too, with our placings marked up with masking tape. Concert props have also started appearing and we have to get used incorporating them – remembering to sing and dance at the same time!
Marking out our stage positions
Marking out our stage positions

Where we do choreography for some numbers, this last week is the time to finally commit the moves to memory. We usually rehearse in a dance studio with large mirrors, so it’s easier to copy others if you get lost. The last few weeks though mean you’re on your own, as the curtains get drawn across the mirrors. These mirrors are also our secret weapon. To help us practice, we film ourselves doing choreography and post these videos online for Pinkies to strut their stuff in the privacy of their own homes. By filming the mirrors – right hands are right hands and left legs are left legs, which helps enormously in committing the moves to memory.
The last week of rehearsals also highlight for people the songs they need to work on in the last few days – but also gives reassurance that others have been nailed. Last minute cramming invariably follows, using part-specific piano tracks for each song to lock in the notes and recordings of the full choir in rehearsal to pin down entry cues from other voice sections. We have a special members section on our website where we keep all these practice materials – lovingly called ‘Pink Bits’.
Dressing the part!
Dressing the part!

The final part of our preparations is a dress rehearsal just a few days before the concert where we run the show in full and polish off any rough edges. Even on concert day we’re working hard too. The choir will be onstage from lunchtime, fine-tuning each piece while we also run a technical rehearsal to synchronise lighting and sound.
It’s been incredibly hard work, but we’re thrilled to be performing this Saturday with such a fantastic theme – the best of British Songwriters and Composers. One of our aims as a choir is to excite, entertain and educate our audience. You’ll have all of that in abundance.
Tickets are available now for £10-30 on the web or by calling 020 8985 2424. Discounts available for groups of 8+ and concessions.

One month until Notes from a Small Island!

A month today we’ll be on stage at Hackney Empire performing the best of British composers and songwriters for your delectation, joined by the wonderful South Wales Gay Men’s Chorus and Citi Choir.
We’re so excited that, yes, like last autumn, we got a bit excited and made another silly trailer. Here it is for your enjoyment.

Tickets are selling briskly for Notes from a Small Island – especially for the good seats – so get yours now if you want a good spot!