Management Committee, Winter 2011

All Pinkies give a little bit of themselves to the choir, but every year there are a few Pink Singers who are generous (foolish?) enough to give that little bit more. Here’s a shout out to this year’s Pink Singers management committee and artistic team. Feel free to get in touch with them with suggestions or ideas you may have for the choir.

Management committee

Kate, chair
Kate, chair
Cat, communities director
Jerome, concerts producer
Jerome, concerts producer

Continue reading “Management Committee, Winter 2011”

Management committee – winter 2010

All Pinkies give a little bit of themselves to the choir, but every year there are a few Pink Singers who are generous (foolish?) enough to give that little bit more. Here’s a shout out to this year’s Pink Singers management committee and artistic team. Feel free to get in touch with them with suggestions or ideas you may have for the choir.

Management committee

Max, chair
Max, chair
Lou, communities director
Lou, communities director
Gareth, U.K. concerts director
Gareth, U.K. concerts director

Continue reading “Management committee – winter 2010”

Management committee – winter 2009

The Pink Singers executive consists of the eight honorary officers – chair, musical director, secretary, treasurer and the four section leaders – who, together with an additional four exec members, form the voting 12-member management committee.

Management committee

Mark, chair
Mladen, musical director
Jenny, choir secretary

Continue reading “Management committee – winter 2009”

Pinkies choir – winter 2008

Pink Singers winter 2008/2009Sopranos
Emelda, Claire G, Sally-Anne, Tanya, Amy, Janet, Louise M, Ana, Cass, Kate O, Melanie, Hester, Jenny, Karin, Fran, Ali, Naomi B, Esther, Alex
Cilla, Gill, Claire A, Kate F, Karen, Kate N, Louise T, Rachel, Mikki, Christine, Miranda, Jo, Sally, Chris, Nathalina, Kelly, Frances, Joanna, Denise, Susannah Continue reading “Pinkies choir – winter 2008”

Pinkies choir – winter 2006

Pink Singers summer 2006Sopranos
Claire G, Emelda, Fran, Janet, Marina, Vanessa, Hester, Jenny, Judy, Keri, Lynne, Mel, Rebecca, Tanya

Anna, Cilla, Claire A, Denise, Juli, Naomi, Nathalina, Gill, Jo, Mikki, Miranda, Sally, Susannah, Vicki
Arnaldo, Anthony, Ben L, Bill, Carol, Hsien, James M, Johnathon, Kevin, Liang, Phillip R, Simon, Sue, Tim R, Tom Continue reading “Pinkies choir – winter 2006”